an OCD diversion when I wondered how many different incarnations of Supreme Court lineups there have been.
The old mighty pen websites
MAGICBIFF - Multi-color Ascii GraphICs from Binary Image File Formats
Possibly the most disgusting video on YouTube
bookmark all tabs in Chrome for iOS
People Who Eat
muzak, sweet muzak
"Full House of 1000 Corpses"
"None of your Bismuth"
gocupi art
wordfountain - generates plausible new English words with definitions; sometimes gets lucky and "invents" a word that already actually exists.
mashups of other people's songs
Animated Shorts
"wrongslashing - a pet peeve"
SoS - a musical story
Still Loving You - robot redux
old experiments with neural style transfer
Miss Leper Colony 2021 pageant contestant photos
NFTs of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", illustrated by AI (CLIP-guided diffusion)
Some old perl I stumbled upon in a forgotten source directory from the first part of the first decade of the 21st century. While the code will work - as in *execute* - I doubt very much Master locks manufactured recently are still vulnerable to being cracked this way. I dunno. .try it :-)
I found the program I wrote to teach myself jQuery back in 2006.
I don't think I've written anything substantial in javascript since